We offer small-scale credits to women, who want to grow their own small business.
We support small business women of our community with a micro-credit loan, to help them grow their businesses and face current economical challenges. Many small businesses has been affected by the high increase of the prices of goods and services, which they offer to our community.
This has affected their ability to meet the needs of their customers.
Our organisation has identified such kind and hard working women and we tried to understand the main challenge that currently affects their business. In our understanding the majority of them suffers from the high inflation in the country.
So our idea is to start with fifteen women, which are already in business and provide them with financial assistance to expand their business through a low-interest loan. We plan to support each person with 7000 Kenia shillings (Ksh), a loan which we believe they can pay back within one to two months. They will pay back the credit on a weekly basis, which keeps us closely connected and help us to see how their business is going.

Linking our environmental program and our loan program
We also like to link the loan program with the environment conservation program, by offering to participants of the loan program to take part in the tree nursery program. We would like to raise 5000 seedlings of different species, including fruit trees. The women will be trained on how to raise seedlings in the nursery and the growth of trees will benefit our community.
They may take part in the following activities of our nursery:
- Putting the soil in the potting bags
- Helping in the cutting the plastic bottle and filling them with soil
- Raising the seedlings in the seed beds
- Watering of the nursery bed
- Transfer of the seedlings from the beds into the plastic container and the potting bags
- Morning watering of the seedlings
After three months the seedlings will be ready for transplanting. Then we shall plant them in schools,churches and alongside fenced homes. A follow up can be done in places where we donate the trees. All of this will help environmental conservation on Rusinga island.